
Meriter Foundation Annual Report next »

MERITER FOUNDATION — For Meriter, their number one goal is getting you home. As a community health care organization, they depend on the generosity of others to continue to provide effective, quality health care. This Foundation annual report is a great example of highlighting for donors the results of those philanthropic efforts.

They maximize the effectiveness of our materials ... More

Meriter Foundation Annual Report next »

MERITER FOUNDATION — Making patients & families feel at home while providing the care they need so they can return home was the overriding theme for this annual report. With that in mind, a warm, engaging design with concise yet down-to-earth copy was needed.

I'm always impressed by their commitment to quality and professionalism ... More

Meriter Foundation Annual Report next »

MERITER FOUNDATION — Showing caretakers in action and telling success stories of former patients who returned home highlighted the exceptional care with the ultimate goal — to return home.

They maximize the effectiveness of our materials ... More